Elevate Your Academic Possibilities: Publish Your Story

Mar 05, 2024


Stories are meant to be shared, and they can even serve as building blocks in getting to know us as people. If you’re a teen with a story to tell and a love of writing, take it to the next level and get published! Becoming published will not only help your story get out there, but it will also help put yourself out there and show others that you are willing to share your distinct viewpoints, experiences, and thoughts. 


Another benefit: Did you know that colleges are impressed by students who are published? 


Getting published enhances your academic resume by demonstrating your ability to manage projects and organize your time, produce written work that can be held in real life, and build your own brand. Let’s talk about what sets published writers apart from unpublished writers in college admissions.


Why would publishing set you apart as a scholar?

You aren’t just your grades; let college admissions see that! Publishing your story is a creative and thoughtful approach that will show you have something different to bring to the table. Everyone’s story is unique, including yours! Your authentic experiences and perspectives provide insight that’s needed in the world. Colleges look for traits like originality, perseverance, and creativity. Crafting your story enhances these qualities and helps you stand out as a leader of your generation. Your words have meaning. Let that shine through your story and college applications. 


Project management and organization

Since becoming published is not an easy endeavor, not many people can claim to have done so. It takes time, patience, and effort to publish your work, something many people might not realize. The writing process, which is a project in and of itself, is already noteable. So if you can take on publishing, you’re already ahead of the game. Components like formatting, editing, and design are all incorporated into the process of producing a published story. 


Publishing your story demonstrates to colleges your commitment to the project, your ability to oversee it, and your ability to maintain organization throughout. 

Establish your personal brand

You could say publishing your work surfaces your identity, or at least your literary one. Release your narrative! Setting the story inside of you free helps make a name for yourself. Imagine the possibilities of your work being out in the world for everyone to see? It not only uniquely represents you, but demonstrates your credibility as a talented writer. Establishing your brand through a publication shows that you’re dedicated. It also allows room for more opportunities to expand your horizons and delve deeper into your craft. For example, your writing and publishing experience could lead you to be the president of a writer’s club on campus or host a training for other students and writers on how to publish their stories. 


Spotlight on tangible skills

Becoming published is proof you have a written and communicative talent. You did the work. You put yourself out there. Now, the world will see what you have to offer. If you’re a talented writer, getting published will only prove that to others! Those receiving your admission will not only see proficiency in grades, but in a specific skill; writing. Additionally, specializing in a craft communicates passion and purpose, which are desirable traits for colleges. 

Did this blog inspire you to shout your story from the rooftops? Becoming published as a teen checks off a lot of boxes. Not only will you feel empowered as a writer and scholar, but you might just get into your dream college, too!

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